I upgraded to 8 on my laptop as I was running Vista and hate it. We have 7 on the desktop which I like. I've done like LWT and used Windows classic shell to bring the old start menu to the desktop. I've changed the program associations so for example, Windows 8 opens photos in this new metro app which I didn't like so I set them to open in Windows picture viewer instead.
Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
windows 8
by panhandlegirl ini had to buy a new desk top cp and it has windows 8 installed.
i had not even learned windows 7 yet.
i was on the phone for > half a day trying it get my new netgear modum going.
Robert7, please do NOT allow SPARKY to be "PUT DOWN"!!!!!!
by ziddina inrobert, i've given you my contact information and i'm going to pm it again - please please please pass it along to whomever has the cat right now.. i have pets, and it would kill me to think that, if i were dreadfully sick or lay dying, that my beloved pets were going to be dumped into an animal pound or put down, just because no one would take them..... to you, perhaps, it's just a cat, but the cat was oompa's 'friend', and i'd like to try to save him.. as to 'biting' - heck, i've two cats right now who are - actually, were - 'biters'.
they both stopped biting after they'd been here in a loving, stable environment for a while - well, that, and when they bit me, i grabbed 'em by the scruff and told them in no uncertain terms that that sort of behavior would not be tolerated.... both have stopped biting - well, chomper [guess how he got his name?
] still gives me little 'love nips', but nothing like he used to.... so please, let's not write off oompa's cat yet!!!.
Mickey mouse
I want suggesting animal cruelty. A whip round is a collection of money. It's probably one of those phrases that's only used in the UK.
Robert7, please do NOT allow SPARKY to be "PUT DOWN"!!!!!!
by ziddina inrobert, i've given you my contact information and i'm going to pm it again - please please please pass it along to whomever has the cat right now.. i have pets, and it would kill me to think that, if i were dreadfully sick or lay dying, that my beloved pets were going to be dumped into an animal pound or put down, just because no one would take them..... to you, perhaps, it's just a cat, but the cat was oompa's 'friend', and i'd like to try to save him.. as to 'biting' - heck, i've two cats right now who are - actually, were - 'biters'.
they both stopped biting after they'd been here in a loving, stable environment for a while - well, that, and when they bit me, i grabbed 'em by the scruff and told them in no uncertain terms that that sort of behavior would not be tolerated.... both have stopped biting - well, chomper [guess how he got his name?
] still gives me little 'love nips', but nothing like he used to.... so please, let's not write off oompa's cat yet!!!.
Mickey mouse
I can't help in a practical way; I'm on the wrong continent and allergic to cats but if there's a need for a whip round to get Sparky to his new home I will gladly help.
WT Elders school: Look how cute that kindly old elder is! Too bad the Talmud says we have to stone our victim anyway
by sir82 inmore haphazard thougths on the recently concluded elder school..... a big chunk of time was spent on a video which traced a judicial case, all the way from the confession to the elders through the decision to disfellowship the guy.. here is a very brief synopsis of the video:.
tearful late-teen or early-20's publisher confesses to 2 elders that he committed fornication with a "worldly girl" who is now preganant and wants to marry him.
the elders give him some "homework" to do prior to his judcial committee - read psalm 51 and an old wt article.
Mickey mouse
Thanks for doing these summaries sir82.
New James Bond Film: Skyfall
by leavingwt ini had an opportunity to see skyfall in the theater yesterday.
it's almost as good as casino royale, with some parts of it being even better.
the opening sequence was a real thrill, one of the best.
Mickey mouse
I loved it. Much better than Quantum of Solace.
by devonuk inmature disfellowshipped male seeks friendship with other males.
Mickey mouse
What's wrong with female ex JWs?
by raymond frantz ini just came back from the meeting .although the local announcements have been abolished recently as an item for the second part , an elder came on the platform to announce that the society needs more money and there is a letter on the noticeboard for all the congragation to read to this effect.
although the announcement was read half heartedly (this elder's daughter is an apostate ,it looks like he knows what's going on) the implictions are dramatic .
the society in brief,requests any brother or sister with funds sitting on personal accounts to loan them to the society ,he didn't go into any specifics but i will take a picture of the letter next time and make it available here .. i'm not amazed that they're asking for money ,i thought it will happen sooner or later .what i'm amazed is that 99% of the congragation are oblivious to the financial crisis that the society finds itself these days and the reasons why .i can see the future now .the watchtower will be the fist part of the babylon the great to go down in a blaze of scandals and financial troubles !.
Mickey mouse
Ray please check your PMs.
GOOD NEWS. UK Charity Commisssion; "No presumption that religion is for the public benefit"
by nicolaou ini tweeted this link a couple of days ago but forgot to post it here .
the uk charity commission has refused to renew the charitable status of the plymouth brethren, a cultlike sect similar to the watchtower in so many ways.
as a result, some members of parliament are claiming that the commissions action is a "suppression of religion".
Mickey mouse
Recording of the parliament committee meeting
GOOD NEWS. UK Charity Commisssion; "No presumption that religion is for the public benefit"
by nicolaou ini tweeted this link a couple of days ago but forgot to post it here .
the uk charity commission has refused to renew the charitable status of the plymouth brethren, a cultlike sect similar to the watchtower in so many ways.
as a result, some members of parliament are claiming that the commissions action is a "suppression of religion".
Mickey mouse
An interesting summary of the decision on an ex brethren website http://peebs.net/forums/news-room/charities-exclusive-brethren-and-house-of-commons-committee
GOOD NEWS. UK Charity Commisssion; "No presumption that religion is for the public benefit"
by nicolaou ini tweeted this link a couple of days ago but forgot to post it here .
the uk charity commission has refused to renew the charitable status of the plymouth brethren, a cultlike sect similar to the watchtower in so many ways.
as a result, some members of parliament are claiming that the commissions action is a "suppression of religion".